Welcome to Prosper’s Top CV Tips
Great Jobs start with a great CV and introduction.

Your CV is your Personal Sales Brochure and needs to portray your work history over to the client professionally and confidently. When you register with us we will discuss your CV and reformat for you, so you are ready for your next interview.

However if you are updating an existing document or creating a new cv we have put together a few excellent tips.

1. Keep it short and clear
Ideally two pages but three if you really need to. Your CV is your brochure and your introduction to a new company. Name at the top, followed by a short profile description of you.  Pop in your qualifications and relevant exams taken.  Follow this with work history with your latest role at the top and first role at the end. Finally name and address and contact details. Yes, landline, mobile and email, address for mail.

2. Make it look good
As we said this is your brochure. Keep it smart and professional in font and design. Get a professional work colleague to have a look and give an opinion.  Friends and family may say what you want to hear and not what you need to hear.  Ask your Prosper consultant to have a look. We are here to help.

3. Most recent first
As we said latest role at the top.  Time away from the work place ?  Explain what you were doing.  If you were travelling the world please insert this information. It will highlight your life experience.

4. Include many facts
Bullet point the facts. Under each job role describe your responsibilities. “Responsible for a budget of £1 million” sounds better than “looked after the budget”. When you register with us we will get all the best points about your roles.

5. Not too many lists
Include specific skills, such as languages, administrative or computing skills, in a separate section in your CV. Try not to relist the same in each role.

6. Breath some life into it
This is your CV not your headstone. Keep it formal but personable. Say what you enjoy or what you achieved in roles; try to explain why you moved on and why you changed roles .

7. Be accurate
Check, check and double check. Get a friend to spell check and read through to spot any errors. We will help you to do this too.

8. Adapt it
Not such great news for you but you will find a CV for each sector of work will pay well in the long run. Each role is different and will need varying skills. Think about your key skills for each role and make sure they are listed.

9. Send a covering letter
Always send a short and concise covering letter with your cv so the client knows why you are applying. It’s important to make a good introduction.

10. Be truthful
Keep to the truth, make sure your CV is factual and promotes your best attributes in the work place.


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